Peter Robbins, MD
Through a comprehensive approach, we will identify the source of your challenges and the path forward.
For the 33 years I have practiced Psychiatry, my mission has always been to provide the highest quality care possible. This begins first and foremost by gaining clarity about the source of the challenges that you face. It is only with an accurate diagnosis that we can arrive at a thoughtful, integrated treatment plan that allows us to have a clear vision of the path to your successful outcome.
Peter Robbins, MD
Through a comprehensive approach, we will identify the source of your challenges and the path forward.
For the 33 years I have practiced Psychiatry, my mission has always been to provide the highest quality care possible. This begins first and foremost by gaining clarity about the source of the challenges that you face. It is only with an accurate diagnosis that we can arrive at a thoughtful, integrated treatment plan that allows us to have a clear vision of the path to your successful outcome.
Peter Robbins, MD
Through a comprehensive approach, we will identify the source of your challenges and the path forward.
For the 33 years I have practiced Psychiatry, my mission has always been to provide the highest quality care possible. This begins first and foremost by gaining clarity about the source of the challenges that you face. It is only with an accurate diagnosis that we can arrive at a thoughtful, integrated treatment plan that allows us to have a clear vision of the path to your successful outcome.
Through a comprehensive approach, we will identify the source of your challenges and the path forward.
For the 33 years I have practiced Psychiatry, my mission has always been to provide the highest quality care possible. This begins first and foremost by gaining clarity about the source of the challenges that you face. It is only with an accurate diagnosis that we can arrive at a thoughtful, integrated treatment plan that allows us to have a clear vision of the path to your successful outcome.
Through a comprehensive approach, we will identify the source of your challenges and the path forward.

For the 33 years I have practiced Psychiatry, my mission has always been to provide the highest quality care possible. This begins first and foremost by gaining clarity about the source of the challenges that you face. It is only with an accurate diagnosis that we can arrive at a thoughtful, integrated treatment plan that allows us to have a clear vision of the path to your successful outcome.
Existing Patients:
If your appointment with me is on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, it is on the Zoom platform.
Wednesdays are in-person appointment days. If you cannot or do not feel comfortable coming in person, we can use the Zoom platform instead. Just be sure to let me know ahead of time.
Problems I Treat
ADHD, and its comorbid conditions
Learning and Executive Functioning Challenges
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Asperger’s Syndrome
Mood Regulation Disorders in Children and Teens
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder (I and II)
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attacks
Personality disorders and their effects on families
Ages of Patients Treated
Children – up to age 12
Adolescents – ages 13 to 18
Young Adults ages 18 to 24
Adults – up to age 65
Treatment Philosophy
In the years that I have been in practice, I have gained more than a few gray hairs. More importantly, I have gained the experience that allows me to offer in-depth skilled diagnosis and effective treatments. I treat patients as a whole, integrating respect for individual differences, as well as the culture and family that the patient comes from.
I have treated patients from many different faith traditions and cultural backgrounds and value the role these traditions play in your life.
I have learned from all of the families that I have worked with over the years, and look forward to collaborating with yours to support you, your child, or your loved one.
Problems I Treat
ADHD, and its comorbid conditions
Learning and Executive Functioning Challenges
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Asperger’s Syndrome
Mood Regulation Disorders in Children and Teens
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder (I and II)
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attacks
Personality disorders and their effects on families
Ages of Patients Treated
Children – up to age 12
Adolescents – ages 13 to 18
Young Adults ages 18 to 24
Adults – up to age 65
Treatment Philosophy
In the years that I have been in practice, I have gained more than a few gray hairs. More importantly, I have gained the experience that allows me to offer in-depth skilled diagnosis and effective treatments. I treat patients as a whole, integrating respect for individual differences, as well as the culture and family that the patient comes from.
I have treated patients from many different faith traditions and cultural backgrounds and value the role these traditions play in your life.
I have learned from all of the families that I have worked with over the years, and look forward to collaborating with yours to support you, your child, or your loved one.
Problems I Treat
ADHD, and its comorbid conditions
Learning and Executive Functioning Challenges
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Asperger’s Syndrome
Mood Regulation Disorders in Children and Teens
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder (I and II)
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attacks
Personality disorders and their effects on families
Ages of Patients Treated
up to age 12
ages 13 to 18
Young Adults
ages 18 to 24
up to age 65
Treatment Philosophy
In the years that I have been in practice, I have gained more than a few gray hairs. More importantly, I have gained the experience that allows me to offer in-depth skilled diagnosis and effective treatments. I treat patients as a whole, integrating respect for individual differences, as well as the culture and family that the patient comes from.
I have treated patients from many different faith traditions and cultural backgrounds and value the role these traditions play in your life.
I have learned from all of the families that I have worked with over the years, and look forward to collaborating with yours to support you, your child, or your loved one.

Together we can achieve that goal.
Getting Started
Getting started begins with a new patient evaluation. A great deal of care and planning goes into this process to make sure that I have an extensive, clear, and accurate understanding of your goals for treatment and the history that led you to seek treatment. I will try to understand the areas of concern that you have, as well as the strengths and abilities that you and your family members bring to the treatment process.
Please click on the age category (to the right) of the patient to learn more about how the process works.
Children – up to age 12
If your child is under the age of 13, I use a series of three appointments to complete the evaluation.
The first appointment is for me to meet alone with the parents to understand the reasons for your concerns, go over all previous efforts at treatment and the history of your child's development. This first appointment lasts one hour.
The second appointment is for me to meet with your child. This appointment lasts 45 minutes and gives me a chance to get a personal impression of the child's needs, personality, strengths, and even the challenges that have led to our consultation. Please know, and share with your child that our conversation at this appointment will be confidential. This will allow me to get the most useful information and be of most help to you and your child. In-person appointments involve talking, drawing, playing games, and activities that allow me to see your child's information processing, attention, and focus abilities as well as highlight his or her personality. Video Call sessions are by necessity more limited in this way.
The third appointment is the informing session. I will present my diagnostic impressions, outline any additional areas in need of clarification, testing recommendations, or other medical assessments that may be appropriate (blood tests, EEGs, etc.). By the end of this 45-minute appointment, you should have a clear idea of the cause for your child's difficulties and what to do about it.
Please upload through the patient portal all of the history forms, previous evaluations, testing, IEP's, or other information you want me to have as part of the evaluation.
Please note: While I may not be able to read over every page before the appointment, it makes it possible for me to know what not to repeat and helps my information gathering. It is during this time that I try not to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes unsuccessful treatment efforts are clues to the correct diagnosis and the best treatment approach possible.
To get the process started or to learn more contact [email protected]
Insurance is not accepted. Detailed receipts are provided.
Adolescents - ages 13 to 18
For Adolescents, I use a series of two appointments to complete the evaluation.
The first appointment is 1 hour long and the second 45 minutes. I mix and match time with everyone together, time with the teenager, and with parents alone. Depending on the nature of the family situation, more appointments may be necessary, especially with divorced and blended families.
Time alone with the teen is always part of this first appointment. This gives me a chance to get a personal impression of your child's needs, personality, strengths, and even the challenges that have led to our consultation. Please know, and share with your teen that our conversation at this appointment will be confidential, and that will allow me to get the most useful information and be of most help to you and your child.
The second session is the informing session. I will present my diagnostic impressions, outline any additional areas in need of clarification, testing recommendations, or other medical assessments that may be appropriate (blood tests, EEGs, etc.). By the end of this 45-minute appointment, you should have a clear idea of the cause for your child's difficulties and what to do about it. I believe that engaging the adolescent during this session is almost always a good idea. Their engagement is often the key to implementing constructive change.
Please upload through the patient portal all of the history forms, previous evaluations, testing, IEP's, or other information you want me to have as part of the evaluation.
Please note: While I may not be able to read over every page before the appointment, it makes it possible for me to know what not to repeat and helps my information gathering. It is during this time that I try not to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes unsuccessful treatment efforts are clues to the correct diagnosis and the best treatment approach possible.
To get the process started or to learn more contact [email protected]
Insurance is not accepted. Detailed receipts are provided.
Young Adults ages 18 to 24
For Young adults, a single one-hour session is for the initial intake (evaluation), with the option of additional sessions if needed.
Please upload through the patient portal all of the history forms, previous evaluations, testing, IEP's, or other information you want me to have as part of the evaluation.
Please note: While I may not be able to read over every page before the appointment, it makes it possible for me to know what not to repeat and helps my information gathering. It is during this time that I try not to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes unsuccessful treatment efforts are clues to the correct diagnosis and the best treatment approach possible.
To get the process started or to learn more contact [email protected]
Insurance is not accepted. Detailed receipts are provided.
Adults – up to age 65
For adults, a single one-hour session is for the initial intake (evaluation), with the option of additional sessions if needed.
Please upload through the patient portal all of the history forms, previous evaluations, testing, IEP's, or other information you want me to have as part of the evaluation.
Please note: While I may not be able to read over every page before the appointment, it makes it possible for me to know what not to repeat and helps my information gathering. It is during this time that I try not to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes unsuccessful treatment efforts are clues to the correct diagnosis and the best treatment approach possible.
To get the process started or to learn more contact [email protected]
Insurance is not accepted. Detailed receipts are provided.
Learn more about my policy about Insurance.
Contact Peter Robbins, MD
Please Note: I do not participate in any insurance panels. I will provide you with a receipt after each appointment that can be submitted to your insurance for reimbursement as a Non-Participating Provider, or Out of Network Provider. If you need to see someone on your Insurance panel, please let me know and I will help you find someone on the panel if I can.
“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
― Pema Chödrön